Namespace Examine
- AspNetCoreApplicationIdentifier
Supports all classes in the .NET class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all .NET classes; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
- BaseIndexProvider
Base class for an Examine Index Provider
- BaseSearchProvider
Abstract searcher
- CurrentEnvironmentApplicationRoot
Supports all classes in the .NET class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all .NET classes; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
- DisposableObjectSlim
This should not be use if there are unmanaged resources to be disposed, use DisposableObject instead
- EmptySearchResults
Represents ISearchResults with no elements
- ExamineExtensions
Static methods to help query umbraco xml
- ExamineFieldNames
Constant names for speciffic fields
- ExamineLuceneIndexConfiguration<TIndex, TDirectoryFactory>
Examine Lucene Index Configuration
- ExamineLuceneMultiSearcherConfiguration
Examine Lucene MultiSearcher Configuration
- ExamineManager
Exposes searchers and indexers
- FieldDefinitionCollection
Manages the mappings between a field name and it's index type
- FieldDefinitionTypes
Contains the names of field definition types
- IndexOperationEventArgs
Represents index operation event arguments
- IndexOptions
Represents the index options for a IIndex
- IndexingErrorEventArgs
Indexing error event arguments
- IndexingItemEventArgs
Represents indexing item event arguments
- LuceneInfo
Information about lucene
- ObjectExtensions
Extensions for objects
- OrderedDictionary<TKey, TVal>
An implementation of a generic ordered dictionary
- ReadOnlyFieldDefinitionCollection
Manages the mappings between a field name and it's index type
- SearchExtensions
A set of helpers for working with Lucene.Net in Examine
- SearchResult
Represents a search result
- ServicesCollectionExtensions
Extensions for IServiceCollection
- StringExtensions
String extensions
- ValueSet
Represents an item to be indexed
- FieldDefinition
Defines a field to be indexed
- IndexOperation
Represents an indexing operation (either add/remove)
- ValueSetValidationResult
Represents a value set validation result
- IApplicationRoot
Application Root
- IExamineManager
Exposes searchers and indexers
- IIndex
Interface to represent an Examine Indexer
- IIndexStats
Represents stats for a IIndex
- ISearchResult
Represents a search result
- ISearchResults
Represents search results from a query
- ISearcher
An interface representing an Examine Searcher
- IValueSetValidator
Used to validate a value set to be indexed, if validation fails it will not be indexed
- IndexOperationType
The type of index operation
- ValueSetValidationStatus
Represents a value sets validation status