Namespace Examine.Search
- FacetResult
Supports all classes in the .NET class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all .NET classes; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
- OrderingExtensions
Extensions on the IOrdering interface
- QueryOptions
Represents options for querying
- DoubleRange
Represents a range over double values.
- FacetLabel
Holds a sequence of string components, specifying the hierarchical name of a category.
- FloatRange
Represents a range over float values.
- Int64Range
Represents a range over long values.
- SortableField
Represents a field used to sort results
- IBooleanOperation
Defines the supported operation for addition of additional clauses in the fluent API
- IExamineValue
Represents a value used in a query like IQuery
- IFacetLabel
Holds a sequence of string components, specifying the hierarchical name of a category.
- IFacetOperations
Faceting operations
- IFacetQueryField
Represents a facet fulltext query field
- IFacetResult
Represents a facet results consisting of IFacetValue
- IFacetResults
Represents a search result containing facets
- IFacetValue
Represents a single facet value
- IFaceting
Allows for selecting facets to return in your query
- INestedBooleanOperation
Represents a nested boolean operation
- INestedQuery
Represents a nested query
- IOrdering
Represents a ordering operation
- IQuery
Defines the query methods for the fluent search API
- IQueryExecutor
Executes a query
- BooleanOperation
Represents types of boolean operations
- Examineness
Different ways to match terms
- SortType
Used during a sort operation to specify how the field should be sorted