Namespace Examine.Lucene
- DelegateFieldValueTypeFactory
Supports all classes in the .NET class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all .NET classes; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
- DocumentWritingEventArgs
Event arguments for a Document Writing event
- ExamineReplicator
Used to replicate an index to a destination directory
- ExamineTaxonomyReplicator
Used to replicate an index to a destination directory
- FacetExtensions
Extensions related to faceting
- FieldValueTypeCollection
Maintains a collection of field names names and their IIndexFieldValueType for an index
- LoggingReplicationClient
Custom replication client that logs
- LuceneDirectoryIndexOptions
Represents options for the lucene index
- LuceneExtensions
Extension methods for Lucene
- LuceneIndexOptions
Represents options for a lucene index
- ValueTypeFactoryCollection
Manages the collection of IFieldValueTypeFactory
- IFieldValueTypeFactory
A factory to create a IIndexFieldValueType for a field name