Namespace Examine.Lucene.Providers
- BaseLuceneSearcher
Simple abstract class containing basic properties for Lucene searchers
- ErrorCheckingScoringBooleanQueryRewrite
This is a work around for the TooManyClauses exception when rewriting wildcard queries
- LuceneIndex
Abstract object containing all of the logic used to use Lucene as an indexer
- LuceneSearcher
Standard object used to search a Lucene index
- LuceneTaxonomySearcher
A searcher for taxonomy indexes
- MultiIndexSearcher
A provider that allows for searching across multiple indexes
- ValueSetValidatorDelegate
Simple validator that uses a delegate for validation
- IIndexCommiter
This queues up a commit for the index so that a commit doesn't happen on every individual write since that is quite expensive
- ILuceneTaxonomySearcher
Lucene Taxonomy Searcher
- IndexThreadingMode
Represents the threading mode of indexing documents