Namespace Examine.Lucene.Indexing
- DateTimeType
Represents a DateTime IndexFieldRangeValueType<T>
- DoubleType
Represents a Double IndexFieldRangeValueType<T>
- FullTextType
Default implementation for full text searching
- GenericAnalyzerFieldValueType
A generic value type that will index a value based on the analyzer provider and will store the value with normal term vectors
- IndexFieldRangeValueType<T>
Used for value range types when the type is known
- IndexFieldValueTypeBase
Supports all classes in the .NET class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all .NET classes; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
- Int32Type
Represents a Int32 IndexFieldRangeValueType<T>
- Int64Type
Represents a Int64 IndexFieldRangeValueType<T>
- RawStringType
Indexes a raw string value - not analyzed
- SingleType
Represents a float/single IndexFieldRangeValueType<T>
- IIndexFacetValueType
Represents a facet index value type
- IIndexFieldValueType
Defines how a field value is stored in the index and is responsible for generating a query for the field when a managed query is used
- IIndexRangeValueType
Used for value range types when the type requires parsing from string
- IIndexRangeValueType<T>
Used for value range types when the type is known